A hair update

After the momentous occasion of putting my hair up without needing clips, I officially declare my fringe grown out! And I though I'd do a little update, following on from this post I wrote back in November when I was impatiently waiting for my hair to grow.

So... (drum roll please) this is what my hair currently looks like!

Normally my hair is a lot more unruly, but Adam brushed in out for me so I could take nice photos, or, more accurately, so that Adam could take nice photos.

I am pretty happy with how it is at the moment, it is finally actually long! There was a patch where I never thought it would get there, but it did! After taking these photos, I really do think I need to redo my ombre, the front looks alright, but the back is looking a bit worn out. When I was stuck feeling frustrated back in September, I was really, really tempted to cut all my hair off as I have done before. As a way to curb this urge, I made a pact with myself that I wouldn't cut my hair properly until the end of America. I have never had long, long hair and this is the only way to achieve this. Without this deadline, I would have cut it all off last term.

So I am about halfway with just over a year to go and I am finally content. When it was growing out, all I could think was WHY ISN'T IT LONG YET?? I would find myself comparing my hair to everyone around me, whether it was people I knew or people I didn't. But now I am happy with my hair, it isn't something I am constantly thinking about. Most days are good hair days, made easier by the fact that I can hide a bad hair day with various, easy long hairstyles. I can now french plait! Wildly exciting photos to follow if anyone is interested ;)

I am even finally getting used to my face without a fringe! It has been a long time since I haven't had the strong definition of a fringe, and it took a little bit of time and self-love to accept it. Even now when I have bad skin days, I find it hard not to have something to hide behind.

So there you have it, a quick update on my hair, if anyone cares!

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 30, 2015 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “A hair update”

  1. It looks so pretty, and so long! I'm growing out my fringe also, and it's quite an adjustment to see this much of my face. :)


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