2021 in self portraits

2021 was a slog. Getting through my ASYE, plodding on with work, slowly getting over an intense break up, wrestling with what I want to do and who I want to be.

So much of the year was spent in lockdown, in the confines of my house. The world felt very small. I feel lucky to have still been so connected with other people, even in such a weird time. My housemates, friends I've swam with and walked with and sat with in the freezing cold. I even went on holiday with other people this year which I haven't done since a quick trip to Cornwall in my final year of my undergrad. I don't whack out the camera to take self portraits when I am surrounded by friends, so I have less photos to choose from. I have spent less time alone this year which has been a pleasant surprise.

For 2022 I am praying for some answers, maybe a clearer direction for the next step. I have a few different options but I can't seem to make the big decisions I need to.

I want less haziness, less recovery time in a ball in my bed, less anxious racing thoughts at 2am.

Clarity. Confidence. Maybe some excitement. That's what I'm manifesting.

Happy New Year all.

This entry was posted on Saturday, January 01, 2022 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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